1. Best Poster Winners | |
We are pleased to announce the winners of the Best Poster Competition, selected by the Evaluation Committee. | |
2. The Conference Book of Abstracts has been published. | |
The Book of Abstracts is now published. | |
3. The Conference Program has been published! | |
A tentative time schedule of the UFGNSM2021 program has been published. | |
4. The UFGNSM2021 conference will be held in HYBRID format. | |
5. Paper Submission Deadline Extended | |
Deadline for submission of full papers is now extended until 10-08-2021 | |
6. Keynote Speakers Announced | |
The preliminary list of the keynote speakers is now available. | |
7. Full Paper Submission Now Open! | |
Authors can now submit their full papers via our platform. | |
8. Full Paper Template Now Available! | |
Authors can now find the template for full-length manuscripts. | |
9. Abstract Notification Deadline Postponed | |
UFGNSM2021 postpones the deadline for abstract acceptance notification for 1 week. | |
10. Submission Deadline Extended | |
The deadline for abstract submission is extended for 2 weeks. | |
11. ISC Indexes UFGNSM2021 Proceedings | |
UFGNSM2021 is registered in the database of ISC. Proceedings will be indexed after the event. | |
12. Abstract Submission Now Open | |
UFGNSM now accepts abstracts. Authors are invited to submit their works not later than 15 April 2021. | |
13. Abstract Template Now Available | |
A template for abstracts is uploaded for guidance. | |
14. Website Launched | |
UFGNSM website is launched with conference dates announced. |